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- 使命召唤:现代战争2 公开试玩,猎鸥为您全球加速 2022年9月22日 11:00 (纽约时间)凡是在STEAM游戏平台上预购使命召唤:现代战争2 的玩家,都可以在这时开启公开试玩作为使命召唤系列的正统大作已经传承到了19代,作为一个使命召唤的20年老玩家,格外的激动不已,虽然正式发售日是2022年10月28日,但是只要预购了,就可以在9月22日(纽约时间)参与到公开beta了
- 现代战争2 战域2.0开战 全新的吃鸡和搜刮模式对全球玩家免费开放 使命召唤 现代战域2 (CALL OF DUTY:The Modern Warfare II Warzone 2.0)在纽约时间11月16日凌晨终于解锁了,和战域1只在暴雪平台上发布的不同,这次同步在世界上最大的游戏平台STeam同步发行,并且和战域1一样,是免费的哦,并且这次还带来了意想不到的新玩法这次战域2新增了逃离塔科夫的战区淘宝模式和绝地求生一样的吃鸡模式,可以组队,也可以自嗨solo,非常好玩有趣
- User Experience Scheme 用户体验计划 Before attending our Software's User ExperienceScheme or any related services ("Scheme"), PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TEMRSCAREFULLY.In order to take part in the Scheme,communicate with us and timelyreceive corresponding feedback, you need to leave your emailaddress. Further, you can also voluntarily provide your Skype ID as one more optionto interact with us. Specifically, all those information may be used to processactivities, respond to questions, send you information about products orservices that may be of interest to you and the process of your interactions.We will not use those information for other commercial purposes and will retainthe information for a duration necessary for providing services to you.